2024 Season Starts Soon

2024 Season Starts Soon

Spring is hitting early again this year, so we’re gearing up for our first batch of honey for 2024 to come off the hives in the next 2-3 weeks or so.  The hives are growing taller every week, just like these hives at the Reservoir Park in Phoenixville.  Over the winter, with the help of Trellis who manages the Community Garden in Phoenixville, we got a new fenced-in space together just behind the garden so the hives are in a sunny spot and away from the new walking path.  I still have to get together my end of season wrap-up for the 2023 season, so hopefully I can get that done before the new honey starts pouring in off the hives!  I’m also aiming to get a monthly update on the website here to keep things more current.  I do more regular updates on Instagram, but not everyone does social media, so you can subscribe to the website updates here in the bar on the right side and get an email every time there’s a new post.  Here’s to another sweet year!