Even bees take a minute to soak up the sunshine on a beautiful afternoon. We’ve had some remarkably warm days for fall and still no significant rain which means even though the temperatures could support it, nothing was blooming due to the lack of rain and the worsening drought. It’s not a great situation! The warm weather means we’ve been able to keep feeding the bees sugar syrup which is pretty crucial since there’s been less (or barely any) fall forage, but they’ve been more active since it’s been warmer which means they need even more food than normal. It’s incredibly unusual to still have feeders on the hives this close to Thanksgiving.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, we’ve got a bunch of markets over the next week with plenty of opportunities to pick up honey for some honey glazed carrots for your Thanksgiving dinner.
- November 20 – Sip & Shop @ Birchrun Hills Farm, 4-8p
- November 21 – Eagleview, 3-5p
- November 23 – Malvern, 9a-noon
- November 24 – Turkey Fest @ Lundale Farm, 11a-2p
- November 26 – Eagleview Thanksgiving Market, 3-6:30p
Don’t forget to preorder and pick up a turkey at the last two markets – heritage and local/pasture raised are the best turkeys, plus you’ll be supporting small, family farms which makes it taste extra delicious!